Thursday, May 14, 2009

bye bye Danny.....

NOOOOOOOO!!! How did this possibly happen? Danny Gokey has been my ABSOLUTE favorite contestant on American Idol this year since his audition. I am still in awe that he got sent home last night. I am pretty sure I screamed out loud. he is sooo much more talented than Chris....oh well atleast he made it that far :) best of luck to Danny!!


Mel Brown said...

I'm sorry you liked Danny. ha ha ha just kidding. He was pretty talented. Personally I would have been happy as long as Adam didn't win... he kinda creeps me out. But my favorites were chris and allison. We will just have to see what happens! :)

Welsh Woman said...

I KNOW!!! WTF?!!?! I don't think I can watch the rest of the season now. I really liked allison too!