Tuesday, October 27, 2009

12 weeks!

PHEW!! We are officially done counting Lily's age in weeks! I can't beleive our little girl is 3 months old...wow the time has really flown. I still wake up every morning and thank God that this sweet angel is mine. She is our little ray of sunshine! What is Lily up to? Well she is smiling like crazy and she even has started to giggle, she is laying on her tummy a lot more and holding her head up so good, she sleeps anywhere from 6-8 hours straight at night, she absolutely loves to watch TV it is so funny ( we need to buy her some baby einsteins), Lily has started making these really high pitched squeaks...so cute, she is loving her toys more and more everyday, I have started reading books to her and she just loves it!! I am not sure of her stats at this point, she wont go to the doctor until her four month appt. So we will have to wait until then. These pics are from her 10 wk photo shoot.

Baby Lily's Blessing

Lily Rae was blessed on Sunday October 25. The blessing was absolutely amazing! My brother Josh performed the blessing and he did such a beautiful job. We are so glad that he accepted the task :) Lily was such a good girl and quite the trooper. She looked so pretty in the dress Grandma K bought her. Thanks to all who came and supported our little family, it means so much to us. Also thanks to my parents for hosting...I know it was a lot of work and everything looked so beautiful!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

8 weeks...kind of!

Little Lily bug is actually 9 weeks old as of yesterday. I waited to post so that I could put her stats up. Lily is growing and changing like crazy!! I swear she hit 8 weeks and all of these sudden changes started occuring. She smiles at her mommy and daddy when she sees them, she is cooing like crazy, she loves to lay on her blanket and play with her toys ( well look at her toys), she loves to suck on her fingers, she sticks out her tongue ALL the time, she can stare at the ceiling fan for a very long time ( thats how I get ready in the mornings), she has become a little splashing machine in the tub it is so much fun to watch! I still feed her once in the middle of the night, but she is getting better and better. We love our sweet girl soooo much and I dont know what we ever did without her! She is our everything. Lily also has a little bit of an attitude....when she is hungry, she is HUNGRY and she doesnt want to wait! She doesnt like to stop in the middle to burp either. My mom calls her "little spunky" and she is RIGHT ON. What can I say though, we love her little spunky personality!!

at nine weeks Lily weighs: 10 lbs 2 oz ( 50th percentile)
height: 23 inches long ( 90th percentile)

Yep! pretty sure she is going to be tall like her daddy!!