Friday, June 26, 2009


I have made it! I am 32 weeks today....woot! That has to be some kind of milestone right? Only eight weeks left. Dont get me wrong I have really enjoyed being pregnant, but lately I have been getting VERY anxious. I just want her to get here. I have heard the 3rd trimester is the worst because of the anxiety and it is sooooo true. I think my belly grows a little more everyday. Having a big pregnancy belly is so hard! I cannot tie my own shoes, paint my own toe nails, and bending over period is a huge chore. I woke up at 3 am last night with the most painful heartburn ever.....this has been one of the new occurances I have been dealing with for the past couple weeks, but in the middle of the night!? really? Tums have become my very new best friend :) I had never had heartburn before getting pregnant, but when my chest felt like it was on fire and about to rip open I kinda figured that must be it! Baby Lily loves to jam her feet and hands under my ribs too....let me tell ya, that is such a joy. I am ALWAYS hungry but I cannot eat all I want to in one sitting because I am pretty sure my stomach is also under my ribs and that leads to shortness of breath................................ok ok ok ok ok I promise I am not complaining. I couldnt love my little baby more. ALREADY. She has Brad and I both wrapped around her tiny finger. She loves to dance and I love to watch my belly moves as she does her morning aerobics! I already know she is going to be so much fun. hopefully she isnt too squished in there!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Shout out to the grad!!

We just wanted to give a little shout out to Jason, and say congrats on your graduation! We are proud of you and are glad we were able to make it to the graduation. Woo Hoo!